Zine Machine: A Tinkering Kit Involving Math and Making

Zine Machine: A Tinkering Kit Involving Math And Making

This session explores using zines as a medium of constructive instructional design, especially to facilitate creative mathematical tinkering. A recent graduate of Tufts University Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO), Kushbu will showcase Zine Machine, a paper-based math tinkering kit that uses two-dimensional mechanical movements to enable physical sense-making about mathematical functions. She will show two kinetic sculptures that use geometrical properties of hexagons and squares to create whimsical motion.

Khushbu Kshirsagar

Khushbu is an Engineer, Maker and Educator. She’s interested in creating hands-on learning experiences at an intersection of Art and Technology mainly in informal spaces such as museums, libraries, and makerspaces. Her work follows an interdisciplinary approach to making at an intersection of engineering design, art and mathematics. As a maker, she finds herself more intrigued by the “making process” than the final product and she finds it as expressive as story-telling. She designs educational technologies in the form of interactive mechanical art, paper zines and postcards; with the intention to take one away from the computer screen, and to enable accessibility.