PICOmputer - Universal Pocket Computer & communicator - Make: Community
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PICOmputer - Universal Pocket Computer & communicator

By Peter Misenko

Raspberry Pi PICO based universal retrocomputer and communicator, specially designed for Circuitpython / Micropython programing

Type: Social Impact, Education

Website: https://hackaday.io/project/182611-armachat-picomputer-fusion-with-raspberry-pico

State: Other
Country: Slovakia
Affiliation: None


What inspired you or what is the idea that got you started?

I am always dreaming about pocket computers, now thanks to Raspberry PICO I can create a very universal low-power device that you can have all under your control.

What is your project about and how does it work?

It is a universal computer specially designed for Raspberry Pi PICO, exists in more variations but the main feature is a QWERTY keyboard.

The project is divided into three main "groups" or maybe is a fusion of three different purposes.

- Retro computer emulation
- ZX spectrum
- C64
- Atari 800

- Sending/receiving messages over LoRa radio module

- Universal programming learning toy

What did you learn by doing this project?

In circuitpython

- detect power supply voltage and USB connection
- MP3 Playback
- Display backlight brightness
- send message to another device via LoRa Radio
- QWERTY keyboard
- multi lines text editor
- read store files to internal system
- safe boot
- GPS parse
- I2C sensors
- display BMP images
- run different application after boot ti make more universal and versatile ... you can have APPS!!!

What impact does your project have on others as well as yourself?

It looks like a community is starting to form that they are starting to improve this project ...


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