Engineering with Paper: Making Rube Goldberg Machines

Using just paper, tape and scissors, you will learn how to guide students in building their own tabletop Rube Goldberg Machines. This hands-on workshop explores simple and open-ended approaches to incorporating Rube Goldberg Machines into your curriculum, from creating mechanisms to troubleshooting challenges. Unleash creative possibilities while also learning how to re-use and up-cycle supplies you already have. Please have printer paper or magazine pages, tape and scissors available. Manila folders and cereal box type cardboard is also useful if you have it available.
Paula Frisch

About them: Paula Frisch is an educator and lifelong maker. She is Assistant Director of Dazzling Discoveries STEM Education Center in New York City and co-creator of Engineering with Paper. Paula holds an MFA in visual art and is currently earning her MA in Developmental Psychology at Teachers College Columbia University. You can see examples of Engineering with Paper projects in Instagram @EngineeringwithPaper