How to Run a School Maker Faire

This year our school joined schools around the world to put on a School Maker Faire. This school-wide event showcased student projects in their core classes, Maker Lab projects, an art show, musical and drama performances and nearly two dozen maker stations. We'll share the nuts and bolts of getting a School Maker Faire going, take a look at other School Maker Faires around the world, share lessons learned and our hopes for future Faires, and help you plan how you (along with the team at Make:) can organize a School Maker Faire of your own.
Rick Schertle

About them: After teaching middle school social studies for 20 years, Rick's teaching and making world collided when he was hired to start the maker program in 2016 at Steindorf K-8 STEAM School. Rick's written dozens of article and two books for Make: and has been a life long maker. His signature project is the compressed air rocket for Make: issue 15. Currently he's working on woodworking and laser cut projects integrating LED lighting.