Micro:bit Projects for Classroom Use

A micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that permits software and hardware work together. It is a tool that facilitates physical computing with its LED light display, buttons, sensors, sound sensing and playback capabilities, and many input/output features. WIth some additional craft supplies, some fantastic projects can be created. During this workshop, several micro:bit projects will be shown and described. These include a micro:bit book, lip-synching character with a micro:bit, a reaction game, micro:bit basketball, Plushpal, and a microPal. Directions and guidance will be provided for those who want to begin making one of these projects during the workshop.
Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D.

About them: Dr. Jackie Gerstein teaches gifted education for Santa Fe Public Schools; and graduate-level online courses for Walden and Antioch Universities. She is the author of the book, Learning in the Making: How to Plan, Execute, and Assess Powerful Makerspace Lessons, published by ASCD. Jackie believes that one of the roles and responsibilities of the 21st century educator is to share resources, ideas, and instructional strategies with other educators. As such, she blogs at http://usergeneratededucation.wordpress.com/.