The first annual Amazing Maker Award Projects are here! This juried competition highlights the creative and technical contributions of makers, as well as their social impact on a global scale. Join us celebrating all types of makerhood while also rewarding some truly spectacular work. Community voting is now open until July 15, 2022! To vote for your favorite projects, click ‘More’ on that project and vote, vote, vote. You can vote once a day per project.
Direct Granules Extruder
Norbert Heinz
A drop in replacement extruder for common 3D printers that can process recycled plastics or brittle materials such as sugar
Community Votes: 3
MoreSUGO Ears
Koichi Shiono
The SUGO ear is a great extension of human communication. Communication with the ears is wonderful because it has no borders.
Community Votes: 30
MoreThe Hubbard Oscillation Bar Tap
Joshua Kinsey
A custom back bar tap. Entirely fabricated in steel, industrial resin, glass, and mica.
Community Votes: 1
MoreDragon Central
Mark Enright
Dragon Central - an interactive educational display, for events. Stardust and Steel are two 'baby' dragons, each over 2.4m long, pulling the Evil witch Fortuna’s carriage. Kids can learn about animatronics and how to make monsters move!
Community Votes: 8
MoreDesert Eye: Military Surveillance Robot
Aviv Butvinik
Desert Eye is a mobile, military surveillance robot that can traverse the desert environment and wirelessly stream video regarding enemy locations to a mobile device via its articulating arm mounted night-vision zoom camera.
Community Votes: 34
MoreCable Drive
Richard Emmett
An aerial cable and electric vehicle is the most efficient way to move an object from point A to B. It requires minimum energy to set up and operate and is inherently safe and reliable. This Maker Project is a working “proof of concept”
Community Votes: 6
More3D Hangman Game
Lochlan Fitzgerald
My game is a new way to play hangman without drawing. This 3D version is tactile for both the letters and "man". You have to guess the letters of the word before the whole body is put together. It's a great way to learn spelling.
Community Votes: 44
MoreDIY Stream Deck
Alex Super Make Something
A DIY Stream Deck built around Arduino to help people go live online!
Community Votes: 2
MoreDigital Cartridge for Super 8 Cameras
Clemens Mayer
A digital sensor drop in replacement for Super 8 film cartridges.
Community Votes: 12
MoreTemperature and CO2 sensing robot
Carlotta Berry
This project describes adding temperature and CO2 sensors to a mobile robot to sense and alarm when values in the environment exceed a given threshold.
Community Votes: 4
MoreMake Everything Possible!
Karen Kaun
"Make Everything Possible!" engages young people in science, technology, engineering, art and math through embracing parents as partners in learning and making.
Community Votes: 5
MorePaper Airplane Windtunnel
Elizabeth Sallay
A small fan designed to create laminar flow to test the aerodynamics of your paper airplane.
Community Votes: 4
MoreiGoBot – a GO game playing robot
Daniel Springwald
iGoBot is a robot that independently plays the Asian board game GO. To do this, it recognizes the human opponent's moves via camera and sets its own moves with a robot arm..
Community Votes: 3
MoreOpen Smartwatch
Paul Smith
The Open-Smartwatch consists of hardware modules, 3D printable cases and a custom operating system to build smartwatches with the goal that they can be assembled, repaired and modified by everyone.
Community Votes: 12
MoreRoad Rower, the Rowing Recumbent Bicycle
Donald Moore
The Road Rower is a recumbent bicycle powered by a whole-body rowing motion for commuting, exercise, recreation and sport.
Community Votes: 5
MoreThe Good Air Canary
Peter Milne
An open source IoT Canary that responds to Air Quality data from Sensors, and will squawk at poor air, and eventually fall of its perch if air quality is terrible - prompting you to take action!
Community Votes: 8
MoreRoamer 2, the Almost Living Robot Pet
Michael Rigsby
Roamer 2, powered by capacitors, wanders about and recharges herself.
Community Votes: 37
MoreNikola Tesla interactive animatronic bust
Daniel Springwald
An interactive animatronic bust of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, with which you can talk about his life.
Community Votes: 4
MorePneuAct: Digital Fabrication of Pneumatic Actuators with Integrated Sensing by Machine Knitting
Yiyue Luo
PneuAct is a scalable pipeline to computationally design and digitally fabricate knit pneumatic actuators with integrated sensing; our system allows users to virtually design and preview actuators to be machine knitted quickly at low costs.
Community Votes: 10
MoreMAKE…a Difference
george ettenheim
This project is an effort to prototype a mobile vehicle based system to aide in rural disaster relief efforts.
Community Votes: 3
MoreNew multifunctional 3D printer concept
Rui Pires
New machine concept which allows to 3D print at 90° and 45°, CNC, laser, plotter and other tools.
Community Votes: 393
MoreRGB LED Scrolling Facemask
Lorraine Underwood
A facemask that scrolls what you're saying, transcribed from speech-to-text
Community Votes: 10
Steve Craig
A scribble machine for kids using Arduino, DC Motors, Camera, Video Monitors, and ballpoint pens. A fun contraption to inspire kids to make and create artworks.
Community Votes: 5